The Rocket Project
Here we have the Rocket Project. The Rocket Project is a project that we did this year that consisted of making a plastic bottle rocket, the goal of the project was to use what we learned previously in the calculation piece of the project and apply that into the Rocket Project. Down below you can see the rocket that me and my partner built.
Here is the rocket that we made, on it you can see that we have fins, a nose cone and the main body which is made of a smart bottle that we used for the model. At the top inside the nose cone you can see the parachute, for the parachute we made it out of a trash bag, cutting it to size then using string that is taped on the different sides and then attatched to the body of the rocket. The rocket's parachute works by having filled water inside of it not all the way as it would be too heavy, but we would fill about 30% of the bottle with water and the rest with compressed air. Once on the launcher, the rocket would have to have a special adapter due to it being a smart water bottle, but it would launch by having a string which controls the launcher, once the bottle is pumped up with the compressed air then we would have to pull the string releasing all of it and allowing the rocket to get some air time. The parachute on the rocket would launch by having little slits on both sides of the nose cone holder and we put the parachute under the nose cone then we have the nose cone being held lightly by those slits. We did this because when the rocket reaches its maximum height the air will grab onto the nose cone, lifting it off the top of the holder then the parachute launches. That's how our rocket works. Down below is our poster that we made using an infographic creater.
Here you can see the Rocket Project Poster that we made, I mainly did the writing and my partner made the poster dynamics and design. This poster includes the statistics of our rocket and including our blueprint, Calulations and our Process of how our rocket did during the many tests that we ran. Down below is a closer look at the Rockets Blueprint that me and my partner made.